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來(lái)源:中海殼牌CSPC  發(fā)布時(shí)間:2021/4/15  瀏覽:
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殼牌化工全球總裁柯博勵(lì)(Thomas Casparie)說(shuō):“這一里程碑體現(xiàn)了殼牌發(fā)展高性能化工品業(yè)務(wù)、向終端客戶靠攏的戰(zhàn)略。SMPO/POD項(xiàng)目投產(chǎn)后,我們與中國(guó)海油的合資公司中海殼牌將更加高效地向中國(guó)客戶供應(yīng)重要的化工產(chǎn)品。這是殼牌、中國(guó)海油和惠州政府三方戰(zhàn)略伙伴關(guān)系結(jié)出的碩果,也是技術(shù)創(chuàng)新的成果。在此,感謝中海殼牌團(tuán)隊(duì)實(shí)現(xiàn)了SMPO/POD項(xiàng)目的安全成功投產(chǎn),他們積極進(jìn)取的文化和追求卓越的精神讓我感到自豪!”

The SMPO/POD Project of CSPC Started up Successfully

The new SMPO/POD project of CNOOC and Shell Petrochemicals Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as “CSPC”) started up successfully, marking the successful and full completion of the Phase 2 Project, of which all the other units have started up in 2018.  CSPC now supplies customers with up to six million tonnes per year of diverse, high-quality intermediate and performance chemicals.

The SMPO/POD project is constructed by CNOOC Huizhou Petrochemical Company Limited, invested and operated by CNOOC and Shell Petrochemicals Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as “CSPC”) with 6 new units. It includes one unit of ethyl benzene producing up to 750,000 tonnes per year, one unit of styrene monomer producing up to 630,000 tonnes per year and one of propylene oxide up to 300,000 tonnes per year, two units of polyether polyols producing up to 250,000 tonnes per year and another unit of polymer polyols producing up to 100,000 tonnes per year. These chemicals are used in a wide range of applications, such as construction and packaging, rubber, coatings, mattresses, furniture, electronics, clothing and automotive industry.

The project adopts Shell's proprietary technologies. The SMPO unit uses Shell's upgraded Styrene and Propylene Oxide co-production process, which helps to improve the production reliability, and the production and operation are more efficient and environmentally friendly. The POD units used the industry-leading Shell's advanced technologies for polyols, which is the first application in China. Compared to traditional processes, Shell's proprietary technologies further improve the overall energy efficiency and process safety, reducing carbon footprint and laying the foundation for an environmentally safe and efficient CSPC plant.

In May, 2020, CNOOC, Shell and the Guangdong Huizhou Government signed a strategic cooperation agreement for CSPC Huizhou Phase 3 Ethylene Project, which would involve building a third ethylene cracker and deploying Shell's advanced technology for linear alpha olefins for the first time in Asia.  Meanwhile, CNOOC and Shell also signed a Memorandum of Understanding in 2020, to explore a commercial-scale polycarbonate production unit at the site, using Shell's diphenyl carbonate process technology.

Sun Dalu, Assistant President of CNOOC, Chairman and Secretary of the Party Committee of CNOOC Oil & Petrochemicals Co. Ltd, said “The successful start-up of the project has resulted in providing more premium chemical products for customers,  promoting  economic development of Huizhou City and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area. We are dedicated to developing a trail-blazing and first-rate domestic petrochemicals industry in China.  This is an essential strategic goal as we develop the CNOOC oil and petrochemical business. External collaboration is a key driver to realising this. We will continue to deepen our collaboration with Shell, as we mutually seek a bright future for the high-quality development of the CNOOC oil and petrochemical business.”

Thomas Casparie, Executive Vice President for the Shell Group's global chemicals business, said: “This milestone supports Shell's strategy to grow in performance chemicals, moving closer to the end customer.  In starting these units up, our CSPC joint venture with CNOOC is improving the supply of essential chemicals to customers in China, with greater efficiency than ever. This is the power of the strategic partnerships we have built with CNOOC and the Huizhou Government, alongside the power of technological innovation. I would like to thank the CSPC team for the safe and successful start-up, and I congratulate them on the culture of positivity and continuous improvement they have developed.”

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